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The perpetually learning mom…

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Dear reader,

            Students are nearing the end of the semester; it is crunch time.  We are writing papers, catching up to unsubmitted work, studying for finals, it can all feel like it is too much work, but it is what we signed up for, it is how we will grow and reach our education and career goals.  Fortunately, most of us have the support of our professors and other school staff to make it through the semester, as well as the support of family and friends, especially during COVID times.

            Children in elementary school, middle schools and high schools are also in the home stretch preparing for end of year state exams, completing make up assignments, wrapping up their year with evaluation and individualized education plans (IEP).  It seems that education can be very demanding for students of all ages and it can be a stressor if too much pressure is applied while little support and encouragement is provided.  This is why it is important that we are recognized for our hard work and our growth.  It is also important to receive feedback about our performance and be praise for hard work well done. 

            I recently learned that I won an award for having high grades and maintaining a high-grade point average.  I was informed of this award just as I had started to feel very low and stressed out about my performance at school.  I was praised for my hard work when I felt I was not doing enough and was falling deep into sadness, anxiety, and self-doubt.  The recognition hit me like a cold cup of water.  It jerked me awake and reminded me that I can do it, because I have been doing it all along and a darn good job of it. 

During my son’s IEP meeting this week he received very positive reports of his performance at school.  He was praised for how much he has grown and how far he has come.  This came just as I know he was feeling tired of virtual learning and down because of some low-test scores.  This meeting reminded him of the great teachers that are there to help him through his low points and encourage him to aim higher.  As overwhelmed as I am, this was my pat in the back too, his gain is my gain, his triumph is my triumph too.    

As we go through the mid-semester blues and struggles, we must learn that we have what it takes to reach the goals we have set for ourselves, deep down we have known this all along.  We must also remember that we must charge through the internal and external mental blocks because we will love the “us” waiting on the other side.  We can also enjoy the hike up the mountain and celebrate each hurdle we conquer.  It is important that we keep our mind on what we are reaching for and why we started it in the first place.  We must believe in ourselves; we must take purposeful steps and remain strong and steady through it all.  I may be exhausted and happy, I am proud of the progress we have made and the great memories created every day.  Reaching the finish line!

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