Gem Reflections- Part 1
Dreamt I had a knife collection
Stabbed em all into a white wall
the one I always stare at
when waiting for the callback
-the knives spelled out -abundance.
I want to be happy
like that lady who
every day,
dyed her hair green-
decorated her apt. green-
A fuckin genius.
Sometimes I think I’ll go
all green too
A side of me is allegedly daunting to many
mysterious-deep eyes that hold secrets
The other is dreamy & unavailable
naïve-lets love consume her-falls in love with a serial killer
Foreign words in this chica’s dictionary
I started the poem off with a dream that scared me at first, but then led me to ask myself the million-dollar question. What will make me happy? How happy do I truly want to be? I then thought of the green lady that went viral. She wore a smile I’ve never seen on my face before and I know I want THAT. I want to try to be as happy as the woman who wears green every single day because she loves it that much. One of the things I love the most about myself is the fact that I am… a Gemini. That mixed with the diverse encounters God has led me throughout my life has shaped my twin and me to be like… my third stanza.