

“How can you even watch this garbage?” Jordan calls from behind me, interrupting a heated interrogation. I keep forgetting he’s here.

“Shhh!” I toss a pillow over my shoulder, hoping it hits him. Moments later, that same pillow hits the back of my head and the couch dips as Jordan joins me. I wish he wouldn’t sit so close.

“Let me guess,” he whispers, as Martinez takes over talking to the grimy-looking perp. “She’s the snarky female officer who consistently breaks rules but never gets in trouble?”

“Jordan,” I warn, losing patience. “She’s a detective.”

Just when Martinez steps out of the interrogation room, Gabe approaches her and they share a look before it cuts to commercial. I mute the television and turn to Jordan. “Would it kill you to be a little more respectful?”

“No,” he answers. “But would it kill them to hire more cops? I mean, jeez, are they the only ones who work at this precinct?”

“Come on,” I counter. “You’re telling me you can’t suspend your disbelief for an hour of TV? How do you enjoy anything?”

He leans back on the sofa. “I enjoy plenty of TV, Tess,” he says. “I just prefer things to be a little more…realistic. And, frankly, there’s nothing more unrealistic than these three cops—apparently, without whom the state’s entire justice system would fall apart.”

I can’t believe I ever liked this obnoxious know-it-all.

“They’re detectives,” I correct.

“Besides,” he continues, ignoring me. “If you’re looking for reliable portrayals of police procedure, I can recommend some documentaries.”

I scoff. Jordan raises his eyebrows.

“You think I watch this show…for police procedure?” I ask, on the verge of laughter. “You’re serious?”

He looks confused. “You mean you don’t?”

“Jordan,” I say. “I couldn’t care less about police procedure.” He’s quiet for a beat, and I go on. “I watch it for the drama—the relationships, backstories, that kind of stuff.”

“Oh.” He points to Gabe and Detective Martinez, who are now uncomfortably staring at each other in the conference room. “You mean like the string-bean cop and the lady cop who’s too hot to even be looking at him? Let me guess: a will-they-won’t-they situation?”

I sigh, but keep my eyes on the screen. Captain Reynolds walks into the conference room before Gabe can even open his mouth. 

“It’s much deeper than that,” I answer, unable to keep myself from defending my favorite show. “But, yeah. Pretty much. Gabe’s a detective who’s basically been in love with Melissa since she started working there. But, Detective Martinez is…complicated. She—”

“Don’t tell me,” Jordan interrupts. “She has a past, and it’s hard for her to trust people.” His voice is breathy and dramatic as rests his hand against his forehead.

“Um, basically.” 

“And you’re able to suspend disbelief enough to play along with the idea that—if they love each other—these two adults can’t just communicate and work out their issues?”

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