
Dear amiga,

Dear amiga,


I forget my worth sometimes

like not on purpose though.

I get lost in my daily rituals

& end up letting all these losers


This kid man,

he just comes & goes

as he pleases

He takes my offerings

  1. sweet nectarines

  2. tangerines

  3. oranges

  4. pumpkins

  5. sunflowers

  6. honey

  7. lemon cake

  8. that’s all glazed

  9. @ the top

right out my palms

& then asks me to write

a poem about him




He walks off with my heart in his hands

 I only get to keep the heartache & bitterness to pour

into my weekly poems… great, more sad shit.

I will not lie to you friend,

maybe I do put myself in


heartbreaking situations for … idunno…                                                                          inspiration?

Being the 2nd choice fucking hurts, loca.

I don’t think I want to be that anymore

what does it feel like to be the 1st choice?

Is it nice & stuff?



I still keep my phone in my hand

even though he lets me know

 his ex will be in the city for the weekend.


I make sure to keep my phone on high volume

especially after she goes back upstate


I know he’ll need me to vent to

about how he knows his worth

yet still decided to sleep with her

even though she told him

she might be in love with steven or jay.

idunno… one of those.

Tears fill my naïve eyes

as I boost his ego

with my personal list of his best qualities

I say, of course you deserve better, baby…

You’re worth so much more.

“You’re so right. Thank you

for always being there

for me to talk to. You seem to be the

only person who understands me…

better than myself sometimes,”

he says.

but what about me though? hmm?

2 weeks later,

he lets me know

she’ll be visiting

for the weekend

again, so I


& the cycle begins.




always there.



your amiga

from the Heights.


            I write a letter to a friend, but at times that friend is also me. I reflect on a useless man… again. My thoughts are in italics and on the right side of the page to make it obvious that they’re sometimes just thoughts in my head. The stanzas that hold the most sentimentality are centered. I mention an offering that is commonly known to be for the Goddess of fertility and love in the Yoruba religion, her name is Oshun. I list the ingredients in a checklist. Each of the ingredients is sweet or symbolize something that is alive which connects to my love for the person I write about. He robs me of my love offering which leaves the love Goddess with nothing to use to grant my wish of fixing the relationship. In the end, we do not work out and I am implying that he is to blame even though the relationship never had a very good chance of succeeding in the first place. In reality, I am to blame for trying to protect a lover’s feelings more than my own. We are all social distancing and I have always loved the idea of writing letters to my friends, so I wrote this poem in the form of a letter to my amiga. I am venting, but also asking her how she goes about her relationships with men where she never seems to end up in my position, “pathetic & always there.” Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this poem. Stay safe!


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