Rock Reading Tuesdays
Hello welcome back to Rock Reading Tuesdays and welcome to any newcomers,
This week I want to speak about one of my favorite series Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas, here we follow the street kid Connwaer and his journey to becoming a wizard. This is not your average wizard story where you are born or gifted with your powers. This story does not use wands, nor does it use the ideology that force of will and power alone can change the environment, no to be a wizard you must discover your locus magicalicus. A locus magicalicus is a stone or jewel that can only be used by its designated user. It is something most people find by chance it can be something as ordinary as a pebble or as extravagant as a ruby. The key to this tale is that wizards are born with only one stone most people can live their whole lives unaware that they have a stone, and not every person is born with a stone either which makes wizards very rare elite people.
This book reflects some of our current issues with prejudice because if your locus magicalicus is nothing more than a common ordinary stone you are looked down upon. If it is a small weak stone that can shatter at the mere idea of a spell you are also looked down upon it is a classist society. Connwaer is at the lowest rung being a runaway orphan pick pocket kid-thief stealing to survive the days. He is the best underdog character I have seen; he is quick on his feet both mentally and physically he is always able to think of a way out of a situation. He is as slippery as an eel and as cunning as a cat, but he is also the kindest person you will ever meet. This entire series grabs your attention from the first page and holds it until the last page. Sarah Prineas never gives too much away so the reader is left guessing how the story will turn out, shocking discoveries and even more shocking reveals can be found in this book.
One of the most interesting things about this book is in the backs of each of them they contain the iconic recipes of the food seen in the book. I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to taste foods that were made in the novels I have read; this book allows readers to get immersed in every aspect of this novel. Even up to and including eating the main character’s favorite foods. Please give this series a read it is beautifully written, funny, and suspenseful.
This concludes this week’s Rock Reading Tuesday, hope everyone has a wonderful week!