Sesame Seed Bath
The beauty regime that is sure to leave a mark.
For the purpose of this, trigger warnings will be put in place: Trypophobia, Aphenphosmphobia and Gerontophobia. If I’m missing any, don’t be afraid to let me know!
Now that the warnings are out of the way, proceed at your own discretion dear reader!
What would you do for a chance to have the best skincare in the world? Considering it is all so important nowadays since the start of the pandemic, and having more time to take care. To what lengths would you go to keep your skin from getting old and the skin from wrinkling?
Almost absolutely anything?
Understandably, skin care is important; for staying youthful. Having glowing skin to envy even the goddess of love herself, to mimic celebrities and so on.
What lengths are you willing to go for such perfect skin?
If you answered yes then tonight, my dear reader, you have something in common with the object of our dark affections.
A Bath to Remember.
After a long day and fretting over your skin, you run a hot bath with a new regimen your friend has given you. Black seeds that linger over the water before sinking to the bottom of the bathtub. That should be enough, you think. You get in and soak in the soothing water, the heat allowing for your pores to open up with the steam and body to relax. For 20 – 30 minutes that has gone by without even a notice, save for the light up of the mobile device nearby. This regimen is almost too good to be true.
Ten more minutes, you think. Then your skin starts to burn with a fire you have not known ‘til that very moment.
Climbing out of the tub, you run to the mirror ensuring the towel is covering properly. Little, black spots cover your skin. Digging for a pair of tweezers from the cabinet, you fish one out; despite the blood and the pain. Examining it, its the seeds. The very seeds from the bath you were taking.
after a few hours, there is concern from your parents outside. It has been a long time since you went in. And you still have not come out of the bathroom. You’d only say “just a moment” when someone tried to enter.
Your mother grows suspicious and forces you to open the bathroom door which was locked. Then she saw that an innumerable amount of sesame seeds had attached themselves between every small wrinkle and every pore and had started to grow roots. Her child, you, have lost your mind. Picking and picking frantically trying to remove the seeds with a pair of tweezers.
Blood pooling on the floor and black seeds flooding in the slowly congealing trickling pools.
Originally a Korean urban legend, stemming from the very popular industry of beauty care and plastic surgery to get the perfect features.
The original poster is unknown but, this is also a very old Urban Legend.
Would you take this sesame seed bath? Even if that means absolute pain for beauty? Let your ghoulish host know.
And see you next week.
Happy Hauntings. (: