Vanished #MurderMysteryMoNday
This has been quite amazing; spending time with you guys… sipping on murderous tea ☕️. Is it bad to say that I’m going to miss this? Of course I feel for every victim and family member affected by the actions of these twisted people. But I’m also happy to know that I can highlight this cases that I’m sure many of you never heard of… or even cared to know about. In a sense, it’s making sure these victims / survivors are never forgotten. In the same breath it’s okay choosing what’s wrong with society and it’s occupants.
Today I’m going to write about Sandra Cantu. The 8 year old American girl that disappeared on March 27, 2009. Sandra and her family ( mother, grandparents and three older siblings) lived in Tracy, California at Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park.
It’s said that Sandra was a friendly little girl who loved to cook and help others. She frequently had play dates with other children in the neighborhood and on the day she went missing, she never returned from one. Sandra was last seen wearing a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt and black leggings.
On a security camera installed by her grandfather outside of their home, Sandra was seen crossing the street towards her house when something (or someone) caught her attention causing her to change directions.
That was the last time her family saw her. When Sandra didn’t return home for dinner her mother called the police and reported her missing at 7:53 pm.
Later that day Sandra’s best friends mother ( stay with me, I know that seemed complicated) sent Sandra’s mother a text message saying that she should tell the police that an item was stolen from her around 4 pm the day Sandra went missing and she doesn’t know if that made a difference or not. 🤔
To be continued 🤫