Rock Reading Tuesdays
Welcome back to Rock Reading Tuesdays everyone and welcome to all new readers!
This week we will be covering a rock band that fuses electronic music, pop, and good old fashioned rock n’ roll. They have coined their own genre labeling their music as Future Punk, this Tuesday I give you the band The Plague and a few of their greatest hits. This band is in my opinion under rated, on YouTube they only have eight thousand subscribers; if you go to their official band page, they have over four million plays on Facebook. Its because of this I believe their name is not as well known as some of the other songs and artists I have written about.
Diving into the music I want to say they are unique while still managing to still feel familiar. It is interesting to hear how they have blended the different techniques and sounds commonly found in electronic music and fused it with heavy rock. Can’t Stop Loving You one of their number one singles shows off their lyricism and their musical ability. It is within this song you will connect with the singer’s soulful exclamation “You Wanna know the truth? I can’t stop loving you”, it is a beautiful love confession that takes the listener back to time of nostalgia. Of first loves and love confessions it is a song that speaks of devotion to that one special person while still having a rock flavor. Check it out below
Our second song by them that I want to put on the spot is their song Best Year Of Your Life and speaks of just that. This song is another great example of their skill of fusing multiple different genres, it speaks of dark pasts and brighter futures. This song is about how this year is where the best year of your life will begin it is just around the corner. It makes sure to push this idea that while life is not going well presently the best year of your life is just around the corner, so keep striving and pushing yourself towards your goals. My favorite line from this song is “Behind you may be darkness, So your future shines as bright as the stars” because all the tough moments that you have faced as a person is apart of your future and it builds you up to your success story. Whether its bullying, housing crisis, food insecurity, education difficulties, it all builds you up into bright star that lights up the galaxies.
Feel free to give it a quick listen down below
There is so much more I want to say on this band but for now I will sign off with this, if you are looking for a band that you can connect with lyrically this is the band for you. If you ever need a pick me up on your darker days this is the band for you, and if you ever feel like no one can ever understand how your feeling give them a listen. They breathed fresh air into my own life when I was looking for a bit of understanding, you will not regret it. That concludes Rock Reading Tuesday next week is readers week, I am not sure what I will cover next week but it will be interesting. See you all next week!