Puerto Rican Limbers
Isn’t it crazy just how fast the summer is upon us? I feel like we’ve literally missed an entire year of our lives. Like we skipped spring and warmer weather is creeping through. I would like to be in 60-degree weather for a bit before we jump into the high 70’s. Any who, in light of the weather change I am excited for this recipe! Hot weather means Limbers! Limbers are Tropical inspired frozen drinks or creams.
Growing up, we only had 1 air conditioner in the living room. When it was too hot, we all slept in there and had a slumber party out of it. It was fun! We would watch movies and enjoy a limber. Puerto Rican Limber comes in so many different flavors, Tamarindo, Cherri, Mango, Coco Piña, Acerola, and so many more to count. Mami used to make our favorites, Crema de coco and Mantequilla de maní. Our most favorite, which is the hardest to make by the way (of course we had to be extra about it lol) is Crema de Mantecado!
I’m not talking about the white one, or the pale orange nonsense, I’m talking about the deep orange goodness that is PACKED with sweet flavor. So creamy and refreshing. The reason this one is so hard to make is because the syrup base to this Limber is so hard to find in the U.S. You can’t find it anywhere, even in the most culturally diverse neighborhoods you won’t find it. The original limber de Crema syrup, or Sirop de Mantecado Crema is made in the Isla itself. Now I know some people are going to say, “that’s not true, Fulana/Fulano from down the block makes them.” I’m sure they do, but… its either a different base or they had it shipped.
But if you find it! Don’t be mad at me and start dropping names and addresses!
You already know what time it is!
The history of Limber
Apparently, the limber was created in 1928 when Charles A. Lindbergh a 26-year-old pilot landed in Puerto Rico. He was so overwhelmed with the heat and it was his birthday that someone gave him a frozen drink. He enjoyed it so much that everyone started making them and started calling them Limber.
Ehh, I thought there would be more to this history, but there it is. Simple and to the point.
Im going to give you a Crema de Coco recipe and then Provide links to other recipes that I think are pretty accurate. Remember that recipes are just that, a basic way of doing things. Don’t be afraid to add your own flair! I like to add shredded coconut in the Limber de Coco, thats my own personal preference. My kids don’t like that, so I keep the shredded coconut out of theirs. When I make the Piña Colada versions, I drop Marciano cherries in there. Hey, its ok to be extra!
Easy Recipe
Time: 6 to 8 hours (preferably overnight)
1. 1 – can of Coco Lopez Crema de coco
2. 1 – can of Evaporated milk
3. 1 – can of whole Coconut Milk
4. Vanilla Extract
5. Cinnamon
6. ½ cup of water
7. Sugar to taste
8. A touch of salt
9. Shredded coconuts/ or chunks (optional)
1. Blender
2. Plastic cups (9oz) or popsicle trays (kids love the popsicle trays)
3. Free up space in your freezer
First things first, rinse out all of your plastic cups. You’ll most likely need 5 to 6 cups, set them to the side and have them ready.
Place all of your ingredients into the blender, except your shredded or coconut chunks. Blend well. Pour your mix into each cup and add the shredded or coconut chunks. Top with a dash of cinnamon and freeze for 6 hours. Its best to leave overnight and enjoy the next day.
Peanut butter Version:
Easy recipe:
1. 2 cans of Evaporated Milk
2. ½ cup of water
3. 1 cup Peanut butter ( I get the Chunky, but any style works fine)
4. Sugar to taste
5. Vanilla extract
1. 9 oz cups
2. Sauce pot
3. Cooking spoon
Add of all the liquids, including the Vanilla extract in the pot and turn flame on low. Stir until hot then add in your peanut butter and sugar. Stir until all is fully blended well. Turn the heat off let cool. Once cooled, pour the mixture into the cups and freeze overnight.
Extra recipes to try: Most recipes are in Spanish. If you guys want a translated version let me know in the comments!
Passion Fruit:
Piña Colada: This recipe is in Spanish.

One Comment
Rosse Mary Molina
Something new, yes! Must try this over the summer, thanks for sharing.