Rock Reading Tuesdays
Hello Rock Reading enthusiasts,
Boy do I have a treat for you guys this week I have one band that I want to highlight for this week, every single song off any album made is worth a listen. This band lyrically and musically connects with their audience in a way I have yet to see in any other band and have slowly gained popularity. The way how they make music is brilliant and unique in a way that I have not heard before, their sound is unique to them and them alone. While they get their inspiration from many different artists its safe to say they have not copied their sound.
This wonderful band is AJR, they are a Pop, Rock, Alternative band, their music is a constant mixture of different genres and sounds. It is almost wrong to put them in a category, but for you guys I will. Their newest song Way less sad off of their latest album speaks about what a crazy year we have all had. Their message throughout the song is that while things are still not the greatest, we are still better off than we where we are. We are Way less sad than we were this time last year that is why this song is great to listen to when you need help seeing the brighter side to life.
Their song Weak speaks about being weak, and is a great way to remind yourself that there is nothing wrong with having your weaker moments. This song gives listeners the ability to find strength in their lows, it plainly states “But I’m weak and what’s wrong with that?” which is the hook of the song. Those words in the chorus are what listeners will remember about the song the most, because of the question it poses.
Another song that shows their artistry is their song Overture is a preview mashup of all their songs off of their album The Click. It fuses all the different songs and flavors their album brings to the listener. This shows us how well they are able mix their own sounds to create their own masterpiece.
Everyone must give them a listen, share this with your friends, your younger siblings, your older siblings, and anyone else you can think of. This band is awesome, their newest album releases March 26th. Go check it out!
See you all next week!