
For Luis

Friend, please don’t go.

How can I convince your

troubled mind that the sun

will come back out once again.

I promise.



I don’t like to make promises

but this one hits home for me.

You recite your goodbyes to

your loved ones and I can’t…


-Why is it easier for you to envision your funeral

rather than the bright future that awaits you?


Friend, do not give in

to the crispy whispers

the shadows spend their

time crafting to convince

you they are your angels.


Friend, I think of your smile.

I want to see it again

because it is one of a kind

and I

hate that you don’t see

the importance that dangles off the

corners of your mouth where your

scary wicked jokes leak.


Friend, please think of how much

our hearts will ache if we will have to

speak of you in the past tense


-How can you think this could ever be a blessing?

We will be cursed because we will be without

our friend.

Friend, let’s walk together

through the muddy puddles of your mind.

Maybe we can skip the puddles together?

If not,

we’ll become one with the puddles

but at least we can help each other out.

Together sounds better,

don’t you think?


Friend, please stay.


This poem is dedicated to my friend. He has been going through one of those infamous rough patches in life. I want to use this opportunity to let others who are going through a similar situation that they are never alone. They may feel extremely lonesome and like no one cares whether they stay or go, but please trust me, you are needed and wanted. Help is always available at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. Please stay.

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