
Faith’s is always holding onto me even if the grip feels lost

Happy Tuesday to you guys hope you’re all having a blessed and great week believe it or not, it’s a blessing to have oxygen and living life even if you can’t enjoy the typical summer antics and activities. I’m definitely blessed that even though my mom is in pain from a gout flare up, found some lumps on her thighs, and one under her right arm this woman is still breathing and staying hopeful. She is patiently waiting waiting for doctor offices and clinics to reopen so she can get things checked out. Don’t get me wrong she was scared about the possibility of going to the hospital but my faith and trust in God is more sufficient than any random health issues popping up out of the blue. My mom has massive health issues against her that try to make it hard for her to live life but my mommy is still moving little by little because she’s a fighter. It’s never easy for me to see my mom in pain and I can’t do anything besides a foot rub or get things for her when she asks. But my heavenly father is amazing because as I continued to lift her up in prayer I noticed some of the lumps decrease and my level of patient and empathy has changed thanks to his glory. We even started reading a daily devotional together it’s like our own small group (bible study) which is awesome because I’m four different virtual bible studies and I’m always sharing things with her and she’s learning the word of God from me. She’s even said to me she’s highly favored and blessed because of me. We shall continue to read our devotional together and we’re excited that our church is preparing to reopen God willing and she’s happy my dad finally installed her air conditioner so she won’t be hot anymore on the super hot days. Of course my dad and friends are praying for her too and today I woke up to the sweetest message from my twin bestfriend basically telling me she’s blessed to have me in her life and friend like me. She can’t wait to hangout soon especially since quarantine is calming down. I really appreciated that because I had cried a lot over my mom and missing people last weekend but I was blessing to catch up on video chat and phone call with a couple friends. Even through those conversations it was blessing because they reminded me I’m great friend, daughter, and I’m very inspiring to others. I’m not trying to make this post about myself because my message in every post I do is the way Faith, Family, and Friendship build on each other. Also I always want to encourage you guys to stay hopeful and encourage eachother. I know life is confusing right now and the government is bananas but appreciate all you have because there’s still other places, nations, and states living in bondage. I encourage all of you to find the smallest mustard seed of faith and joy in life. The world isn’t over and let’s be change we want to see. It’s funny that I wrote this last line because I wrote three poems recently and the last few words of my previous sentence were the endings in two out of the three poems I wrote. Also be intentional with your time try doing activities and getting some fresh and remember to please wear masks and wash your hands. Also if you like Chinese food then definitely go enjoy some because they are great places of whom are open. Don’t listen to the nonsense of the president because he’s the perfect example of the quote “Common Sense is not Common to Everyone” but hey like my mom says there are some college eudcated idiots and he’s the epitome of one. Don’t spread hate let’s spread love and respect, yes I know what I just said wasn’t nice however I don’t hate the man but I’m not trusting anything he says either. He doesn’t have my best interests at heart nor does he care about women, equality, and peace. I place my trust in God where I know there’s no let downs, failures, or lies. You don’t have to take my word but I’ve experienced God’s favor, love, miracles, and much more to know his word stands strong and victory is found through him. I’m willing to answer questions too but be encouaged don’t focus on the ugly of what’s happening be grateful that you still have life, family, friends, and resources. Also please vote if you didn’t but I hope you did because now more than ever people need to vote and do their census if they haven’t already. That’s a mustard seed of fighting for change and having faith that we can be the change. Have a blessed and awesome week guys, stay encouraged I love you all and I’ll talk to you soon.

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