
Hope and Faith brings Light within in the Darkness

Hello my readers it’s Davidia back again on this fine Tuesday with some faith and clarity amongst everything that’s been happening. I’m gonna open this post with another verse from one of my favorite books in the bible Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” I’m choosing this verse in reference to the violence and looting that happened recently. I would love for people to stop believing the lie of certain races being more superior than the other because they’re not! We are all born and made with blue blood which turns red when oxygen hits it no matter what race, skin color, gender, or sex. I support peaceful protesting, boycotting, and some rioting but I DO NOT support the destruction of neighborhood and mainstream businesses like on 34th street and Fordham road for example. As a community you want change to happen start by having conversations about racism because it does exist! Racism and bigotry are hard conversations to have but we can’t run away from it. We’re taking away all the freedom that was fought for before we were born and I know it’s hard knowing what to tell a child regardless of age if approached by a police officer but these conversations need to be had especially if you want the brutality to stop. I’ve personally only ever dealt with the police during when I needed to make a report a year ago but even then I felt more respected by cops in Brooklyn than the Bronx. My experience had nothing to do with racism however I was intimidated because of the report I was making and no one had ever told me how to prepare myself when making a police report against somebody. Nevertheless I made my report and even though I don’t know if the perp was ever caught I received justice and freedom when making that report. Just like the mothers of George Floyd and the others want justice but destroying a library and local businesses are not the way to get your point across hence the verse. The way to make a change is to use your words, pens, and pencils, flyers, poetry, podcasts, and more to speak out against forms are racism. Let’s stand together and march and remember that NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD. Racism is taught NOBODY is born a racist! I have made my share of racial comments or jokes but I have prayed for forgiveness and I’ve noticed the racial comments that take place in my family. I don’t like it and I’m not sure how to approach it but I know that by having faith and hope for change God will make a way for me to have these conversations. We all need to examine our hearts and actions whether we’ve said or done racial things. Regardless understand we are all one, bleed the same, change starts with us, and we are all Diamonds. If you’re angry then take that anger and great creative towards gaining equality for ALL LIVES. If the English department can make changes to the curriculum and make things more inclusive in english literature studies then you can’t tell me change isn’t happening. As a woman of color I’ve been followed in a store before, feared for my life when walking past certain groups, seen bigotry, and numerous variations of bullying which is honestly what “racism” boils down to. I’m not staying quiet and I’m using my keyboard as my way of reminding you guys as my readers don’t act as if racism doesn’t exist and please don’t participate in it. Be the change because it all starts with us and this future generation. Have a great week guys hope you enjoy my post and please tell me what’s in your hand as far as your weapon for justice, because mine is the bible, music, poetry, and faith. Have a blessed week guys and please be encouraged because none of these problems are new but I have strong faith and believe WE CAN BE THE CHANGE.

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