I Deserve A Man
I deserve a tall man
You know… those with magic long legs
that’ll walk any distance
just to spend some time
with you. I want one of those.
I deserve a man who
gazes at me as I go on
my rants
One who carries a mini
mentól vapo rub in his
pocket to relieve the itch
in my nose throughout the
Cause I get a lil b-itchy when I get worked up.
I deserve a man who reads
to me
Even if I think the book is
traassshh, the light in his eyes
as he reads the words off
the pages like he wrote em
himself will make it worth
hearing. A blessing to my ears.
I deserve a man who r e p r e s e n t s
H e will stand tall
next to me & let
the world know
he is with m e
& no one else.
I deserve a man who will hold me
& make me feel like everything’s okay… even when it’s all crashing down.
I deserve a man who will dance
any Aventura batchata with me
& will embrace my hips as we
1~2~3. 1~2~3. into each other.
I deserve a man who is inspired
by the rage my bones inherited
he will try & massage it out
because he’ll hate feeling me on edge.
I deserve a man who surprises me
with journals he finds during his lunch breaks
He’ll say, “babe, this one reminded me
of you & I had to get it”
He’ll understand that I can’t just write
with any pen.
I want someone who wants to deal
with the intensity of my mind
because I’ve tried being the
but God created me to stand TF out
& I refuse
to hate myself
like that
ever again
I promised myself
I wouldn’t find
another hoodlum I like
to fill my bag with m o r e insecurities
I deserve better or something.
This poem consists of the things I’d like my future partner to do or have in my future relationship. I rarely say I “deserve” things, but I’ve noticed I have allowed a lot of shitty people in my life with sketchy behavior patterns. During quarantine, I have been able to reflect on the type of love I think I deserve and things I have never been able to experience within my past relationships with past partner’s. I include the things that are important to me: effort, literature, attention, passion, confidence, being embraced, my Latin culture, compassion, and thoughtfulness. Many of us just let whoever come into our lives, take whatever that person comes with, and hope that person will treat us well. I deserve to be treated amazing because that is how I treat others. While writing this poem, I learned that I have to do less settling and set my standards higher than usual. When we don’t treat ourselves well, it makes others feel they don’t have to treat us well either. Try making a list of things you feel you deserve in a romantic relationship, friendship, family relationship, or even the relationship you have with yourself.